Facebook Uses Feedback to Adjust the News Feed Algorithm

The goal of Facebook News Feed is to show users the stories that matter most to them. Historically, the actions people take on Facebook of liking, clicking, commenting, or sharing a post are the main factors considered to determine what to show at the top of each user’s News Feed. But these factors don’t always […]

Ways to Grow Your Email List Using Facebook

There has been much discussion by users of Facebook on the algorithms for how posts are seen by few viewers for accounts that are not paying for social media platform’s marketing program. Despite the decrease in organic reach, Facebook is one of the best ways to make a great first impression on potential customers and […]

Snopes Debunks Facebook Rumors and More

Snopes.com , also known as the Urban Legends Reference Pages, is a website that covers urban legends,  Internet rumors, e-mail forwards, scams, and other stories of unknown or questionable origin. This popular web site receives 300,000 visits a day due to being a well-known resource for validating and debunking such stories in American popular culture. The […]

Facebook Tips: Making Use of Saved and Event Features

Two services I frequently assist clients with are strategic content and launching events. With that said, the two beneficial features I often use on Facebook are the Saved Option and Events and this is how: Saved Option Save links to information from useful resources, places, shows, music, movies and more from your News Feed.  It is valuable for […]

Five Ways to Avoid E-mail Clutter

By: Monica Peña   (@MUNDUmedia) Keeping e-mails straight can at times be really challenging.  5 easy steps to reducing e-mail clutter are: Unsubscribe to newsletters that are not being read. Advise others from your e-mail groups to not reply to all when not necessary. Reduce the amount of e-mails sent.  If communication on a certain topic […]

Hashtag it!

By: Monica Peña   (@MUNDUmedia) A hashtag is a word or a phrase prefixed with the “#” symbol which helps describe a subject and allows it to be found again by browsing or searching.  The short messages used through hashtags can be used on social sites like Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, and now Facebook to highlight […]